An unlikely candidate

As i was sleepily trundling along on the treadmill in a bid to warm up i was watching CNN news and in one of those scrolling bars at the bottom of the screen there was this piece that did bring a sleepy smile to my lips.

Apparently the US Porn Industry is seeking a federal bail out. Initialy i sorta baulked at this idea. But then on deeper reflection aided by gentle jogging on the treadmill - I said Why not? The recent spate of depressing news from financial circles and the news of government bail outs world over has been about the consequences of the seven sins (greed) and apparently the innate human ability to generate financial bubbles.

So why not bail out one of the others - Lust? I mean there is nothing innately more important about supporting the consequences of greed and ignoring those of lust.

Even if one were to look at it from a consumer need perspective - The US Auto industry received a 25 billion dollar bail out for being wrong about and ignoring consumer needs for atleast a good part of my life time. (go figure !). If nothing else suporting the US porn industry would offer a temporary financial cushion to an industry that meets some (probably many) consumers' needs.

And it is likely to be more pleasurable than many of the other bailouts of late.


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